Monday, April 8, 2013

Just Be Yourself...

Just Be Yourself...

People want to see who YOU are!! There are people out there who are interested in YOUR story. So be yourself. This applies to all areas of your business. If you're blogging, be yourself in your blogs. Your story will inspire others. Your beliefs and the things that you have learned in your journey may be just what someone needs to hear to push them towards the next level.

You'll hear sometimes from people, "What will I talk about?" or "Nobody wants to hear what I'm saying." Just talk about what comes to mind. Reason being is that everything is interconnected so by you putting out what comes to mind someone else is taking that in. Somebody, and in most cases, many people want to hear what you're saying. One has to think outside of their circle and box and realize their are BILLIONS of people that are online 24 hours a day. Someone is interested in your words.

So just be yourself. Go out and take action because there is only one you and nobody else can be you like you can!!

If you are looking for a way to make money and generate leads on Facebook, successful marketer Matthew Aaron has a $1 trial for his new Facebook Domination course NOW. Check it out.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

You Have to Own It To Change It

You have to own it to change it.  What exactly does that mean?  Well, it means taking responsibility for your actions and your situation.  It means not blaming others or your blaming your circumstances.  It's realizing that YOU and ONLY YOU can change what you don't like about your life and realizing that you create the world around you.  

Once you realize these things, you'll want to take action on the opportunities that are presented before you.  The only way to take advantage of these opportunities is to take IMMEDIATE action.  Whenever you learn something new, do everything possible to put what you learned into practice IMMEDIATELY.  When you do that, you'll know if the knowledge you've acquired can make a difference in your life.  To see if it resonates with you.  This is how change happens.  Through immediate action.

Own it then change it.  Own up to how you want you want your life to be.  If you're not where you want to be, take steps to change it.  It's not an overnight process as everything cannot be accomplished at once.  By remaining confident and knowing the power you have to be the change you want to see, you'll begin to see things align exactly how you envision.  

Join me in Penny Matrix.  For $7/mo., it's one of those opportunities that can change your life.  Thank you for reading.

                                             How $7/mo can change your life

Monday, March 18, 2013

Multiple Streams of Income

The key to wealth is creating multiple streams of income. Creating multiple streams of income takes time and dedication. You have to commit yourself to one stream at a time and build that business up to the point that it runs on autopilot, allowing you to move on to the next opportunity.

So the first thing you want to do is dedicate yourself to only one opportunity at a time. Learn all you can about it. Promote it. Become a leader and display that leadership to potential prospects so that they can become leaders as well. That's extremely important. You want to be able to produce other leaders so they can help you take your business to the next level.

Take myself for instance. Video editing is my passion. That's my first stream of income. I've built up a nice clientele base so now I can begin to dedicate some time to my second stream, Penny Matrix. For $7/mo. the opportunity is there to build a $1000 or more monthly residual income from the world of e-books. . Now while I'm learning all I can and promoting that opportunity, I've positioned myself to begin promoting my third stream, Pure Leverage.

These three opportunities are what are going to afford me the ability to create wealth through multiple streams of income. Really, no matter what business you choose, if you dedicate your time and dedication to it, you will succeed. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

This is Business... It Ain't Personal

                                                  How $7/mo. changed my life
Yea, well in most cases, this is true.  However, this business, internet/online marketing, is personal.  It's all about building relationships.  It's all about establishing trust, trust that you are doing all you can to help your fellow man achieve their goals as well as yours.  If you take the approach of making each person that you come in contact with become a friend, the business part will fall in place.

So if you're a people person, online marketing should be a cinch for you.  You will develop the business acumen as time progresses.  Your focus should be on doing what naturally comes to you, which is talking to people.  Finding out what drives them, what issues they may be having, and be able to offer a solution that they may be looking for.  Always remember, everyone that you come in contact happens for a reason.  Make that reason count!

To find out how I am doing my part and to see how $7/mo. is changing lives, click the link below.  Thanks for reading.
                                                  How $7/mo changed my life

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Your Words Alter the Structure of Your Reality

Speak What You Want Into Existence
Begin practicing speaking what you want to experience into existence.  The saying that your words alter the structure of your reality is very profound.  There is an energy that is sent out through the vibration of your words affects the rest of your makeup and directs your mind/body to move in that direction.  Acknowledging that which you agree, or even disagree with, shapes your reality.  So think and be careful of what you speak.  Speak only that which is positive and fulfilling to you.  Speak only of those things that you want to have manifest and carry the feeling around as if it already is.  If you become conscious of this on a daily basis, you'll begin to see a change in your life that you wish to see.